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Thought provokers

  • Next Great Thing
    At NGT, we are curious about the future. To us, that means youth and technology-not just here but around the world.
  • FH Digital marketing blog
  • FH Brussels
  • Roland Piquepaille
    ...continues to explore the frontiers of science and technology. In 2005, Roland started another blog focused on why it makes sense for a company to use blogs, Blogs for Companies, which is temporarily on hold. For disclosures on Roland's industry affiliations, click here.
  • Mark Senak
    I am a lawyer and communications specialist in healthcare-related public affairs matters.
  • David Bradfield
  • The Long Tail
  • Joseph Jaffe
  • Connected Marketing
  • Damiano Vukotic
    I'm a father, web evangelist, producer, ad future strategist, living in London, UK with a kid in Boston, Mass.